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rev/Typecheck UMDCTF 2024

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My C++ code won’t type check. Can you fix that for me?
Note: you will need to set -ftemplate-depth=10000 when compiling.
Files: templates.hpp and main.cpp

Understanding the problem

The main function is in main.cpp and looks something like this:

#include "templates.hpp"
//flag is 60 chars
using flag_t = int_list_t <'f', 'l', 'a', 'g', ...>
using prog_t = int_list_t <2, 0, 3, 2, ... 40701, 2, 0, 3, ...>
int main() {
    vm_t<nil_t, prog_t, flag_t> b;

    b = (nil_t)b;

By the looks of things, we’ll be dealing with some template wizardy. We can confirm this by taking a look at templates.hpp, where we can see it happening.

Before doing anything else, we can first compile the program as per the description.
g++ main.cpp templates.cpp -o witchcraft -ftemplate-depth=10000
It gives an error when compiling (with something about templates), so I decided to then try and understand what the templates are actually doing.

In the main function, nil_t (an empty struct), prog_t (list of numbers) and flag_t (our guess for the flag) are all passed in to the template for the struct vm_t. Let’s first find out what int_list_t does, since it is used by prog_t and flag_t. The struct uses cons<T, U> to create a linked list of integer values. For example cons<V<2>, cons<V<0>, V<3>>> is equivalent to int_list_t<2, 0, 3>.

The next important struct is vm_t, which turns out to act as a virtual machine that operates on a stack. The stack is the denoted by S, IT are the instructions, and In is external input.

There are 5 different operations that can be executed on the stack, each corresponding to a value on IT:

  • Add (A_t, IT: 0): pop two elements, push their sum
  • Mul (M_t, IT: 1): pop two elements, push their product
  • Push IT (P_t, IT: 2): pop the head of IT, push it to the stack
  • Push In (uses g, IT: 3): pop the head of In, push it to the stack
  • Condition Pop (M_t, IT: 4): pop if the top is equal to the head of IT

Now that we know what kind of spell is being cast, we can:

  • realize that the operations that are performed have to result in a value equal to the value after the any condition check instructions
  • recreate the same spell, but in python


Our python program will look something like this:

IT = [2, 0, 3, 2, 2, 47, 1, 0, 3, 12, 2, 24, 1, 0, 3, 16, 2, 67, 1, 0, 3, 18, 2, 89, 1, 0, 3, 22, 2, 59, 1, 0, 3, 41, 2, 61, 1, 0, 3, 51, 2, 19, 1, 0, 3, 56, 2, 45, 1, 0, 4, 40701,]
In = ['U', 'M', 'D', 'C', 'T', 'F', '{', ..., '}']
stack = []
itidx = 0

while itidx < len(it):
    instr = it[itidx]
    if instr == 0:
        stack.append(stack.pop(-1) + stack.pop(-1))
    elif instr == 1:
        stack.append(stack.pop(-1) * stack.pop(-1))
    elif instr == 2:
        stack.append(it[itidx + 1])
        itidx += 1
    elif instr == 3:
        stack.append(ord(In[IT[itidx + 1]])
        itidx += 1
    elif instr == 4:
        if stack[-1] == IT[itidx + 1]:
        itidx += 1
    itidx += 1

After running this, we can see that the program is just doing:
a0*b0 + a1*b1 + ... + an*bn = c 60 times
We also only know the b values of this equation, since the others come from the flag, which we are trying to find out. This means that we can solve this with a system of linear equations.

Since we do not know what values we need in In, we record the values into two matrixes.

import numpy as np
res = np.zeros(shape=(1,60), dtype=np.int64) # what it should equal
b = np.zeros(shape=(60, 60), dtype=np.int64) # our b s
row = 0
aidx = 0

And we modify the pushes and conditional pop

while ...:
    elif instr == 2:
        stack.append(IT[itidx + 1])
        b[row][aidx] += IT[itidx + 1]
        itidx += 1
    elif instr == 3:
        stack.append(ord(In[IT[itidx + 1]])
        aidx = IT[itidx + 1]
        itidx += 1
    elif instr == 4:
        if stack[-1] == IT[itidx + 1]:
        res[0][row] = IT[itidx + 1]
        itidx += 1
        row += 1

And finally we solve for the matrix a.

a = np.linalg.solve(b, res[0])
strres = ""
for i in range(60):
    strres += chr(int(np.rint(a[i])))

This gives us the flag:
Which is correct, meaning we have succesffully deciphered the template wizardry!

Full solution file: